Category Archives: General
Alexander in Education
Caring for the Carers
Caring for the Carers with the Alexander Technique
Chilling Out in the Garden
After the Work – Enjoy your Garden
Applications of the Alexander Technique: Luggage
Everyday Activities:- Pulling a Case or Trolley
- Do I hold the luggage handle at the right height for me?
- Do I twist my torso as I drag the luggage behind me?
- Do I pull down on one side of my body?
- Do I rush through stations and airports tensely, carelessly, or with awareness?
- Do I grab the luggage, or thoughtfully take hold of it – and how do I lift it?
- Do I remember to stop and think before pulling or lifting something heavy – am I evenly balanced with a lengthened spine when I move or lift?
FM Alexander Portrait on Antiques Roadshow
Sir Colin Davis
Sir Colin Davis
Leonardo da Vinci Anatomy Drawings
Leonardo da Vinci Anatomist Exhibition
The Alexander Technique and Gardening
Quite a work-out – and it can be easy to strain muscles or hurt your back doing all this work. So when you are involved in activities such as gardening, be aware and remember what you have learnt in Alexander lessons. Don’t rush into things but pause, take a moment to think about how you are going to use your body when doing the next job. Give yourself directions, remind yourself not to tighten everything up ( tension is not the same thing as strength). Avoid pulling your head back but to allow your spine to lengthen into all your movements, so that you protect your neck and back.
Tain’t what you do but the way that you do it….
Ella Fitzgerald’s ‘Tain’t what you do but the way that you do it’