Recommended Alexander Technique Books
There are many good introductions to the Alexander Technique available and they are a useful addition to lessons. There are also books for a more advanced understanding of the Alexander Technique or on specialised topics - such as applying the Technique to music, swimming or pilates. The following books and DVDs will provide you with helpful information on the Alexander Technique and related topics. Also included is some equipment suitable for use in Alexander lessons that can, for instance, aid balance and coordination.
- Alexander Technique by F M Alexander (11)
- Alexander Technique DVDs (3)
- Alexander Technique for Actors and Vocalists (12)
- Alexander Technique for Children and Education (9)
- Alexander Technique for Musicians (16)
- Anatomical Charts (9)
- Anatomical Models (3)
- Anatomy, Physiology and the Alexander Technique (14)
- Biographies of F M Alexander (4)
- Body Mapping (11)
- Dart (2)
- Equipment for Balance Coordination & Health (13)
- Equipment for Games & Movement (7)
- Health Issues and Pregnancy (11)
- Introductory Alexander Technique Book List (21)
- Memoirs of Alexander Technique Teachers (1)
- Pain Relief (5)
- Performing Arts: Acting; Dance; Music (7)
- Psychological, Spiritual and Philosophical Aspects of the Alexander Technique (7)
- Related Books (10)
- Sports, Yoga and Fitness (13)
- Teachers and Advanced Readers (11)