The Lunge is a procedure taught in the Alexander Technique, with the aim of maintaining freedom in the hips, knees and ankles whilst moving with the back lengthening and widening. The use of the body in a lunge is similar to the way monkey position is performed but the procedure is often more active and flowing. Alexander teachers use both monkey position and lunge many times whilst giving lessons.
Initially, the pupil starts with both feet together, then places one foot forwards, transferring most but not all of the weight onto the front foot with that knee bent and the back leg lengthened (but not locked). Then, most of the weight is transferred onto the back foot with the back knee bent, whilst the front leg lengthens out and away. It is easy to fall into the trap of end gaining with a procedure such as this whilst enjoying making the movements backwards and forwards. But then we lose awareness of our use, so that our freedom and alignment can become compromised. It is necessary to think carefully before moving so that you stop such mis-use and it’s just as important to continue giving yourself directions throughout the lunge procedure.
It is not possible here to give a full description of the procedure and it would be necessary for your Alexander teacher to demonstrate and teach you how to use the lunge so that you are aware of your use and allow your movements to be free.
The lunge is a useful way of using the body during a number of everyday activities, for instance when using a vacuum cleaner, sweeping, gardening, pushing, pulling, sawing and picking up light objects from a low surface. The lunge is also utilised in fitness training and sports. where the movement tends to be far deeper and this too can be explored in AT lessons, so that people can focus on their use as they perform the movements.

F M Alexander using a lunge whilst teaching